2-Year Doodles Anniversary Announcement, May 2024

"If you know where you want to go, there are friends who will help you get there." - diana Bluthenthal

Dear Doodles Supporter,

As we approach the two-year anniversary of our journey together, I find myself reflecting on the incredible path we've traveled. In this time, I've created and shared 731 original daily doodles—each one crafted with the hope of bringing you a smile, a moment of peace, or a bit of encouragement to your day. That number astounds me, and I hope it does you, too. It's a testament to the dedication, love, and passion that has fueled this project.

This milestone also presents an ideal moment for introspection and a chance to share some important changes. Over the past two years, my commitment to delivering daily doodle messages has been unwavering, even through significant personal challenges. On the day that I began this journey, my husband was hospitalized with a condition that has forever altered our lives. Despite this, I moved forward with our shared mission, pouring my heart into each doodle, each word of encouragement, each piece of art.

After much reflection and upon the advice of healthcare professionals, I've come to understand that sustaining the delivery of a doodle a day, every day of the year, is no longer feasible without compromising the quality of the doodles, the messages, and, frankly, my own well-being. To maintain the high standard that you deserve and to ensure that the doodle messages remain as inspiring and heartfelt as they were intended to be, I need to embrace a more relaxed pace.

Entering into year three of the doodles which we celebrate on May 29th, the frequency of delivery will adjust to three times a week: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This change will allow me to invest more time and energy into each message, enhancing their quality and depth. It will also ensure that I continue to deliver in a way that prioritizes your well-being and mine, provides the necessary space to care for my family and preserves the passion and creativity that this work deserves.

If I am going to talk about self-care and compassion in my doodles, I had better walk my talk. This decision is an important step in practicing what I preach, making sure that I can bring authentic and heartfelt encouragement to you and me.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your continued support and understanding. This community means the world to me, and I am committed to bringing you the best of my art and words.

With heartfelt thanks,


Categories: : Artistic Journey, Creative Process